2010 Peugeot Eco CUP details - 4 Peugeot Cars to WIN

Peugeot will start on 28 February 2010 in Paris, the "Eco Cup. 144 participants from 18 European countries will consume this with 72 cars on the approximately 1000 kilometers long journey to the Motor Show in Geneva as little as possible fuel. Eco Cup will be played out with the Peugeot models 207, 308, 3008 and 5008 with 1.6-liter diesel engine. The four drivers who on arrival in Geneva in each series the least amount of winning the vehicle, with which she participated as a new car.
Four teams, consisting of driver and passenger, per country, go into the race. 36 hours left to the teams to their cars until the evening of 1 March reaching as sparingly Geneva. For safety reasons, they must hit the road fixed venues and comply with prescribed rest periods. The tanks of the vehicles will be sealed before departure and checked regularly.

The driver must decide in advance of a model. Each with 18 cars per class are available. While a mandatory eco-driving training for all participants can be gathered first experience in front of the economy drive.

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